Be Charitable
Join Jay Brett Jenkins
How it works
Search and select your favorite charity
This can be any charity that you care about.
Select a super-effective charity
You can choose from our list of expert recommendations.
Divide your donation between the two
At least 10% has to go to a super-effective charity.
We'll add 9% to 90% on top of your donations
You direct prepaid matching funds to the charities you care most about. Learn more here.
Why donate with Giving Multiplier?
Our goal is to make charitable giving as effective as possible. We support charities that experts have identified as super effective.
We'll add a small donation on top of yours. The more you give to the super-effective charity, the higher the rate.
Become a matcher!
Your donations are processed by our trusted partner — a non-profit hub for charitable giving. Your data privacy is ensured.
As a project based at Harvard University, Giving Multiplier has been reviewed by the Harvard internal review board and data safety team.
If you are a US taxpayer, your donation is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.